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14.12.2023 09:00 - 15:30 CET
  • Janmari Christopher Cabarios
  • Stuart Pearson
  • Jemuel Sandoval
Price excl. VAT (CHF)
Course description
Mission statement
To introduce implementation professionals to bank-specific customization and contributions.
Course description
The Avaloq Banking Reference/Starter Kit, or ABR/S, is delivered to all new Avaloq clients including on-premise, SaaS and BPaaS.
Code developed during an ABR/S-based project is developed within the ABR/S customization and development framework. In particular, ABR/S maintains a code baseline which is specially configured and used as the starting point for each new project.
This course teaches participants how to customize bank-specific code for both on-premise and SaaS/BPaaS projects.
The course material comprises theoretical and demonstration videos, supported by quizzes to test your understanding. It culminates with a virtual class in which you’ll perform trainer-supported customization exercises in a dedicated training environment.
  • Provide an introduction to ABR/S
  • Give an overview of code layers
  • Learn how to perform bank-specific customization in an on-premise project
  • Learn how to perform bank-specific customization in a SaaS/BPaaS project
  • Learn about the impact of contributions on some other customization areas
Target audience
Avaloq Certified Customization Professionals working on implementation projects based on ABR/S or those requiring re-accreditation
Participants must be ACCP certified or have equivalent knowledge of the Avaloq Banking System. Only Avaloq Certified Customization Professionals will receive accreditation points.
This course includes a self-study exercise to help you consolidate learning and prepare for the virtual class. The exercise solution must be completed and submitted two business days before the virtual class (course date). Solution submission is mandatory – you must submit a solution to participate in the virtual class.
Course content
  • Introduction to ABR/S
  • Overview of code layers and bank-specific customization
  • Bank-specific customization of code tables in different project scenarios
  • Bank-specific customization of script packages in different project scenarios
  • The impact of contributions on some other customization areas
4 - 5 hours of self-study
We recommend that participants start the self-study phase no later than 10 days prior to the course. Please note that to be awarded full education points, all self-study exercises must be completed
4 – 5 hours of virtual classroom training
5 Available

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