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16.10. - 16.11.2023 09:00 - 19:00
Price excl. VAT (CHF)
Course description
Course description
This is an introductory course that provides an overview of Avaloq STEX interface, client and broker (market) sides of orders, solicited and unsolicited orders, and supported message networks in STEX like AMI and its related sources in ICE.
This course will also go into detail about SWIFT MT for trading and how its sources are structured in ICE, general concepts about FIX (Financial Information eXchange) interface, and Avaloq FIXbridge.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Be familiarized with the STEX interface
  • Explain what is client - broker side
  • Describe what solicited and unsolicited orders are
  • Understand the STEX workflow
  • Describe SWIFT MT in general
  • Be able to explain the content and structure of SWIFT MT messages
  • Be able to describe how are the sources structured in Avaloq ice
  • Understand (Financial Information eXchange) protocol in general
  • Be familiarized with the content and structure of FIX messages
  • Describe Avaloq FIXBridge
  • Be knowledgeable on how to test the FIX interface
Target audience
Individuals who would like an overview of STEX interface, SWIFT MT, and FIX interface for Avaloq.
Trading knowledge recommended.
Course content
  • Stock exchange (STEX) interface general concepts
  • Message engine, AMI and networks
  • SWIFT in general
  • SWIFT MT - sources in ICE
  • Introduction to FIX
  • FIX messages
  • Usage of FIX messages and FIX sessions
  • FIXBridge
  • FIX interface testing
This is a self-study course which is only delivered online.
The course will be available throughout the begin and end dates indicated upon logging in. There is no specific attendance day.
Estimated time to complete this course:
4-6 hours of self-study
27 Available

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